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It is important to me this year that I make every effort toward success with this garden. We have made a huge investment of time and money into this and I'm ready to keep going. Check out how I plan to keep track of everything I'm planting this year and check for periodic updates in garden tour videos.

This is the journal I purchased.

Next year I will probably get a larger one as well. I want to create a catalog of all the seeds I've grown, how they did and if we liked them.

I'm sure you are wondering what in the world is 'dream shopping.' Have you ever heard of window shopping? Well, this is my twist on it. Whenever I have an idea for a project or new design for the house, I like to go shopping to scout out the inspiration. Sometimes I do this online, sometimes I go in store. With the boys, its harder to do in store, so I tend to stick to the computer. But, every few weeks (sometimes more often) I get a "day off." Being a full time stay at home mom, yes, I need days off every once in a while, too. Kyle and I are so incredibly blessed to have both of our families so close to us. Either my mom or my mother in law will take the boys over night and for the next day and let me have a little break. Sometimes its planned, other times its more last minute. Well, today was one of those spontaneous treats and I'm taking full advantage. Knowing that my sweet minions are in the very capable hands of their Grammy, I am going dream shopping!!

Ok, I'm back now. Today my adventures consisted of some delicious early birthday treat coffee at my local spot then on to Target, Walmart and a quick stop at the Dollar Tree (it was bigger than the one closest to me and wanted to see if there was anything different.). I wanted to get to Lowes and Home Depot, but just didn't have time today. (It's ok though, I enjoy browsing online.) The projects I was dream shopping for all had to do with the backyard and the garden. Here is a list of some big and small ideas we have:

-hang mason jar lanterns in garden (use old mason jar drinking glasses we never use)

-Solar powered string lights between picket fence posts (do not want to have to plug them in to an outlet)

-Small, walk-in greenhouse. Permanent with solid roof, translucent sides. (still need to research.)

-Chicken coop and completely enclosed run (Next Spring)

-Compost bin (solution designed and created!! Used scraps from fence.)

-Run hose water supply to garden

-Utility shed

-Potting bench (potentially just one in the greenhouse.)

-Secondary access through the picket fence

-Frame in garden entrance


-Paint picket fence white

-Mural on back fence

-Plant berries and citrus trees (summer/fall 2019)

-Magnolia and other trees (2020??)

-Gravel in garden area

-Butterfly garden and rail fencing

-Enclose back porch and add patio

As you can see, we have big plans for our little .61 of an acre! I love our property and love the potential. We are so enjoying planning and creating designs for these dreams. So, today I went and looked at prices and gathered intel. To give you a better idea of a few of my plans, I wanted to show and tell you about the.

Here ya go...

If you've never grown in the Juice Plus Tower Garden, I highly recommend it, especially if you are tight for space. This is a great unit to get a lot of production for your space! Plus, it's kind of science-y and is really cool for kids! I can't wait to show the boys the awesome root systems that grow inside this amazing aqua-ponic system!

Let me know if you are interested in one of these and I will connect you with someone who can tell you more about how you can make this a part of your home garden!

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